Friday, May 15, 2009

DJ Colbert and Niki Tattinger

The Spirit Behind Prosperity Corner

"Everyone can find something in our very special store" says DJ Colbert, who owns a "castle in paradise" with her sister Niki. "This is Prosperity Corner and magic happens here."

"True magic is the positive reinforcement we give each other" DJ explains, adding that "Every culture has a magical element to it and people of that culture embrace their own."Magic in various forms abound in Prosperity Corner. It's found in classes where one can learn how to make candles, soaps, incense, food and wands ~ each with its own special touch. "Children" DJ says "can make a wand while they talk about being kind to one another. That's the real magic in a wand.
"Magic candles, incense or soap will be infused with good thoughts and fabulous magical cookies will encourage people to get along. In sewing classes, students can learn to make tarot bags and robes.

The Prosperity Corner location possesses its own powers. “The address adds up to eight ~ which is an empowering number that makes things happen,” DJ expresses. “Also the building used to be a bank. The money was here, so we came here.”

The 2,800 square foot store carries a line of fantasy, fairy tale and ceremonial clothing for all ages, “gorgeous” crystals for every need “a huge line of incense” and “the largest collection of tarot cards on the island.”

Before moving to Hawai’i 14 years ago, DJ was a fashion designer and creator of temporary body art for movies. She has produced, directed and manufactured a special effects video that includes how to create fantasy faces.

She and her sister were raised with their grandmother’s 'magick' on her flower farm, DJ says. “We picked herbs in the morning and made tea with them, telling one another how much we appreciated them before going to school. We thought everybody did that.”

“For lack of a better word” explains DJ “we call our store a metaphysical store ~ however we are also an eclectic store filled with exotic smells, such as our own candles and incense and visually it appeals to those who love fantasy and adventure.

”Prosperity Corner is “also an entertainment store” she continues “having our movie make-up artists as well as the products.”

“You must experience this store before you can know anything about it” DJ explains. “A lot of the misconception is that we work with the dark arts. Our creed is: ‘Do what you will but harm none’.”

“Anything that you put out you will receive back 10 times. So we work in positive energy,” she notes.

“We get along with our community very well Colbert adds. “We serve on many of the business committees and we work with our neighborhood board. We also work with GECA which is a business organization here in Kaimuki."

Following 9/11 she remembers the store was packed. “People needed their spirits nurtured. We are safe, spiritual and non-denominational place.”

“We truly deal with the mind, body and spirit for all ages providing a well-rounded experience for our customers,” DJ expresses. “From feng shui to the current movies ~ that’s what we’re about. All the things my sister and I grew up with and love, that’s what we want to share with others who come into our store.”

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Prosperity Corner

New age concepts aligned with Old age tradition

The magick of the Law of Attraction can be found at the summit of 12th Avenue in Honolulu, Hawai'i. Prosperity Corner, an exciting and unique shop is overflowing with treasures for those of you who delight in the unique and metaphysical. There are literally hundreds of gifts for the enlightened. One only has to walk through the doors of Prosperity Corner to realize there is magnificent magick occurring there all the time. The owners and staff truly believe in the Universal Law which states that The Universe wants you to have everything you want. The problem for most people is that they simply do not know how to ask for the things they want in life. At Prosperity Corner you can learn the proper way to ask for what you need through magick spells.

There are thousands of magick spells to help you acquire what you want and Prosperity Corner can provide you with the tools you will need to make your own magick. The shop offers cards, essential oils, stones, crystals, magickal tools, handmade candles and clothing and much more! The staff will help you locate the items you will need and even walk you through the spells to make sure you understand exactly what you need to do.

On the road to obtaining what you want in life, the staff can provide a clear view into what is going on in your life and what you might do to change things for the better. Do you want to know what might be coming up for you? Would you like to increase your personal power when it is at its best? A reading of the Tarot Cards can help you discover a lot about past, present and future concerns in orders for you to take advantage of your potential in every situation.

If you want to feed your soul and adorn your body Prosperity Corner offers handmade scented soaps, oils and herbs you can bathe in. The Colbert Collection is our unique, one of a kind line of clothing that is hand-crafted, beaded, embellished with love and care in natural fabrics that are custom made and wonderful to wear. A huge collection of jewelry made by artists from the far reaches of the globe is also available.

Welcome to our site and make sure you leave your email/address so we can send you newsletters about upcoming events and workshops. Past workshops include Wicca 101, Tarot Card Making, Crystal Healing, Creating Sacred Space, Making Magickal Candles, Soaps & Tinctures, Herbal Magick and Cooking with Magick. Prosperity Corner isn't like anything else you've seen before. It is truly a magickal place where you too can learn to make the magick that will change your life.

Come and see us in person!